and LIVE EVENT RECORDINGS - 2022 back to 2015

If you need assistance with anything, please send an email to help at laarkmaa dot com
We have moved all of our calls to our SHOP page.
For your convenience, below you will find the Topics for each call.
January 16th - June 19 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
Topics Include: Remembering & Integrating Your Total Self; The Agenda to Manipulate; Do NOT Surrender your Consciousness! Pleiadian view of Karma; Transcending Everything - Creative Workarounds; The Right Question to Ask; What the Dark has Forgotten; Leaving the Zone of Familiarity; Laarkmaa’s Call to Become Cosmic Citizens; The First Steps of Change; Planting Seeds for Our Future Selves; The Ascension Process; The Power of 13- Integrating; Leaving Your Body for Another Form; The Great Split & the Metasphere Illusion; The War for Consciousness; Rainbow Bridge to Interstellar Support; Guidelines for Dealing With Health Challenges; Portals Open as Intuition Increases; Becoming Cosmic Citizens Through Global Community
July 3rd - December 18 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
Topics Include: Detaching From Emotional Reactions; Mary Magdalene Speaks; Our Ability to Open Portals; How to use Dynamic Tension; Your Own Reality Changes as Do Your Work; The Ascension Process- DNA & Cell Activation; The Number 9 Energy; The Inoculation Agenda & The AI Plan; Non-Attachment & Non-Resistance = Balance; Your Electromagnetic Self; As You Change, So Does the World! Parallel Lives & the 12 Strands of DNA; How We Take Fear into Our Bodies; Ascension Diet for the New Paradigm- As You Change, So Does the World! What To Teach Our Children; Sound has Power: Speak Each other into Higher Frequencies; Divine Feminine Brings Chaos & Possibilities; Divine Masculine Brings Order & Structure; 3 Stages of Reality: Consensus; Individuated; Spiritual; Your Soul’s Mission; Take Responsibility for Your Own Consciousness Evolving
Live Call Recorded December 18, 2022
Topics: Choosing to End Karma; Feeling, Integrating, & Evolving; Belief Systems Can Be an Addiction; Distraction or Doing Your Work? Emotions Are for YOU; Broadening Your Perspectives; Don’t Focus on Lower Vibrations of Pain; Focus on Higher Vibrations of Light; Devote Yourself to Cosmic Truth; Live Every Moment With AHIMSA.
Live Call Recorded December 4, 2022
Topics: Spiraling Energies to Alter Our Perspectives; Detaching From Emotional Reactions; Using Intuition and Toning for Better Communication; The Great Split Continues; The Golden Trough of Light; Mary Magdalene Speaks; Ascension Lessons- Christ & Mary Nature is Our Greatest Ally; Our Ability to Open Portals; We Are Midway of Achieving Our Mission; Be Kind, Without Judgment; Turn Towards Love.
Laarkmaa’s Uplifting 2022 Message!
Recorded January 2, 2022
Topics: Moving past the Great Split of 2021; Accelerated Rate of Evolution; 2022 - Year of Freedom and Independence; More Responsibility for Actions, Thoughts, & Words; Building Structures of Light and Unity; External Experiences Produce Triggers for Growth; Intuition Move Valuable than Thoughts; Portals Open as Intuition Increases; Unity Becomes More Real in our Global Community; Responding to the Calls of Service; Sound and Feelings Show us the True Reality; 2022 - More Compassion, Trust, Kindness, Patience & Love; Becoming Cosmic Citizens Through Global Community
Live Call Recorded November 27, 2022
Topics: How to use Dynamic Tension; Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in Each of You; Love, Justice, & Loyalty to the Truth; Do Your Work- What Have You Not Done? Changing Reality- It’s Happening! Animals Sensing Incoming Cosmic Energies; Your Own Reality Changes as Do Your Work; The Ascension Process- DNA & Cell Activation; Forces of Light Here to Help!
Live Call Recorded October 30, 2022
Topics: The Shift Has Already Happened; Entering the Collective Shadow Cycle; Opportunities In Chaos; Humans Have Never Been Through What is Happening Now; We Are Not Alone in This Time of Darkness; Truth Can No Longer Be Hidden: The Inoculation Agenda & The AI Plan; Moving Away from Toxins; Achieving Peace Through Clearing All Old Choices; Gaining our Freedom; Building Community; The Light IS Winning the War!
Live Call Recorded November 13, 2022
Topics: Laarkmaa Congratulates Us! The Light Has Won; Deeper Levels of Shadow Clearing; Turn Away from All A.I.; Detachment vs. Emotional Reactions; Ascension Diet: Cleansing Our Cells; Loyalty to the Truth is our Path; Harmony Within and Without; The Number 9 Energy
Live Call Recorded October 16, 2022
Topics: Misuse of Duality Causing Dynamic Tension; Sense of Separation Increasing During Great Split; How to Move More toward Unity; In Lak’ech: We (Laarkmaa) are You, and You are Us; Addictions are Not just about Pain; Using the Energy of 13 to Integrate our Experiences; Parallel Selves and Becoming Who We Truly Are; Consider Your Habits: What Are They Keeping you From? Hiding From Your Higher Self & Mission; Emotional Addiction
Live Call Recorded October 2, 2022
Topics: Planting Intentions through Conscious Choice; October 22 – Massive Changes Coming! Cleaning Out Your Toxic Emotions & Shadows; Non-Attachment & Non-Resistance = Balance; Expanding Potentialities; Extreme Emotions: A Portal to Parallel Lives; Integrating & Accepting your Gifts & Power; Greater Understanding of Who You Are; Your Electromagnetic Self; Living on Love, Light, & Water: The Ascension Diet; As You Change, So Does the World!
Live Call Recorded September 18, 2022
Topics: Increased Solar Effects; Feeling Imbalanced? Earth Wobble; Catalyzing Energy & Equinox; Losing Old Patterns & Clearing Blockages; Allow Feelings to Surface; Laarkmaa’s Help With Parallel Life Integration; Stop Blaming Others & Look at Yourself; Technology will Fail; Let Go of Your Smart Phones; Living on Love, Light, & Water: What it Means; Kindness is Key; Ask for Pleiadian Stardust
Live Call Recorded September 4, 2022
Topics: Shadows and Light; Recognizing the Truth; Your Consciousness is Bigger than You Think! Examining Belief Systems; KP Index: Karma Blocks Being Triggered on Purpose; The Sun’s Gift: Using Light to Burn Your Shadows; Pleiadians begin help us open to October changes; Heart Palpitations & Heart Openings; Parallel Lives & the 12 Strands of DNA; How We Take Fear into Our Bodies; Communicating With Plants; Diet for the New Paradigm; What To Teach Our Children
Live Call Recorded August 21, 2022
Topics: Clearing Confusion; More Light Coming In; Solar Maximum: Sun Supporting Evolution; False Profits; Loyalty to the Truth; Old Paradigm Dying; New Paradigm Support; Physical Bodies Changing; New Earth Profile; Deeper Connection with Nature; Connect With One Another
Live Call Recorded August 7, 2022
Topics: Increased Intuition and Empathy; Moving in and out of Dimensionality; Symbols & Sacred Geometry; Sound has Power: Speak Each other into Higher Frequencies; It’s Not What We Do but How We Do It; How to Use Free Will; How To Clear Energies; Eating for Evolution; Divine Feminine Brings Chaos & Possibilities; Divine Masculine Brings Order & Structure; The Importance of Community; Sharing Positivity; Your Mission is to Be Love
Live Call Recorded July 3, 2022
Topics: 3 Stages of Reality: Consensus; Individuated; Spiritual; Cosmic Powers Bring Possibility for Gigantic Leap in Evolution; Your Soul’s Mission; Unity vs. Separation; Healing & Curing: Laarkmaa’s Perspective; Gaia is Rebalancing; The Best Technique for Meditating; Take Responsibility for Your Own Consciousness Evolving
Live Call Recorded June 5, 2022
Topics: The Agenda to Manipulate; You are being BEAMED! Mental, Emotional, and Physical Impact; Do NOT surrender your Consciousness! Trust your heart, not external sources; Pleiadian view of Karma; Transforming Shadows; ASCENSION is happening NOW! Your Mission; Tools for Transcending Challenges; Using Gratitude Every Day; Using Confidence as Light Power; Homework Sharing: Uplifting Stories!
Live Call Recorded May 15, 2022
Topics: Eclipses bring your personal work home; Look at your relationships during Eclipses; Be transparent with yourself; Walk away from your Smart Phones!
Say NO to anything interfering with your health & growth
Live Call Recorded April 17, 2022
Topics: Duality: Experiencing Other Dimensions; Metaverse is NOT What we Want! We Want the MULTIverse (Multiple Dimensions); Phasing In and Out: Children: Here and in Other Dimensions; Planting Seeds for Our Future Selves; Feeling and Seeing Our Interstellar Helpers
Live Call Recorded March 20, 2022
Topics: Deepening Your Awareness; The Power of 13- Integrating; Opening Your Heart to Intuition; Improving Relationships; Change Sadness to Gratitude; Live in the Moment; You Are Not Alone; Your Connection to the Cosmos; What Must You Surrender to Discover Something Better?
Live Call Recorded February 20, 2022
Topics: The Great Split & the Metasphere Illusion; The War for Consciousness; AI & 5G vs. Human Evolution; The Illusion of the Metasphere Are we Simulations? Only 1% Give the Orders; Strength and Empowerment in Unity; Using Anger Correctly;
What Energy Can Accomplish; The Power of Light; Jesus and the Divine Feminine Today; Sending light to Canada, Ukraine, & All Police.
Special Message Recorded July 24, 2022
Topics: Smart Phones; Moving back toward Nature; Unpredictable Changes; Creating Harmony; Multidimensionaltiy
Special Message Recorded July 10, 2022
Topics: Healing and building a new future
Live Call Recorded June19, 2022
Topics: Expanding Beyond the 3D Experience; You Are Not Linear; You are Spiraling! Consider What is Outside your Experience; Refuse to be Limited by this Dimension; Stepping Away From the Familiar; Awakening to Your Gifts; What is Outside Your Memory? Remembering & Integrating Your Total Self; You are a Multidimensional Being of Light!
Live Call Recorded May 29, 2022
Topics: Transcending Everything; Creative Workarounds; The Right Question to Ask; You Are a Being of Light; Enhancing Your Light Power; The Illusion of Lack; When to Walk Away; Climate Change; Laarkmaa’s Homework Assignment; All You Need to do is…
What the Dark has Forgotten
Live Call Recorded May 1, 2022
Topics: Leaving the Zone of Familiarity; Moment-by-Moment Support; Stretching into Possibility; Achieving Unity; Laarkmaa’s Call to Become Cosmic Citizens; Changes in Guides & Interstellar Help; Inner & Outer Work; The First Steps of Change; Dangers of Star Link; Global 5G Protests Necessary; Resignation vs. Relationship with Nature!
Live Call Recorded April 3, 2022
Topics: Pole Shift!; 3 types of light/radiation coming in; The Ascension Process; Using Devoting Energy; Sunset energy shift; Making Hard Choices; Silver Lining of Ukraine-Russia conflict; Cataract Eye treatments; Living a Nomadic life; Pleiadian View of Source?
Live Call Recorded March 6, 2022
Topics: Accelerated Evolution; Solar Participation; Increased Radiation from 5G; Leaving Your Body for Another Form; You are limitless; Beliefs Are Based on Time and 3-D Experience; Emotions are Not Universal; Integrate All Aspects of Who You Are; Expand Your Consciousness; Ask Laarkmaa to Sprinkle Star Dust!
Live Call Recorded February 13, 2022
Topics: Entering the Collective Shadow Cycle; True Parallel Reality; Moving Into Multidimensionality - NOT 5D; Controllers Use of New Age Terms; Steps to Evolve During this Opportunity; Align With Nature; Practice Gratitude; Don’t Escape- Transcend!; Light Technology
Live Call Recorded January 16, 2022
Topics: Exploring Possibilities; The Use of Duality for Harmony; Rainbow Bridge to Interstellar Support; Tonal Communication Cosmic Weather & the Physical Body; Guidelines for Dealing With Health Challenges; Under the Sea: 5G Internet of Things; Arthur Firstenburg: 1-Man Champion for Earth; 3D Reaction or Multidimensional Response; Choose Your Vibration and Evolve!

January 3 - June 27 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
Topics: Arcturian Transmission of Light to Earth; Seeing the World as You Are; Guidelines for Raising Your Frequency; Removing Yourself from Toxic Situations;The energy of number Six; Thoughts Manifest into Form; Unity, Cooperation, and Connection; The Voice Speaks; Elmore Speaks; All Experiences are for Evolution; Mary Magdalene Speaks; 3 Splits in Duality- Male & Female, Mind & Heart, Technology & Nature; 7th Dimensional Telepathic Communication; Star Fairy Speaks; Earth Fairy Speaks; Explanation of 5th, 6th, and 7th Dimensions; Qualities of the Divine Masculine and misused the Divine Feminine; Choose Earth Over Technology; Unplug! What really happened on Earth! The loss of the Peaceful Kingdom;
July 11 - December 26 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
Topics: Arcturian Transmission of Light to Earth; Seeing the World as You Are; Guidelines for Raising Your Frequency; Removing Yourself from Toxic Situations;The energy of number Six; Thoughts Manifest into Form; Unity, Cooperation, and Connection; The Voice Speaks; Elmore Speaks; All Experiences are for Evolution; Mary Magdalene Speaks; 3 Splits in Duality- Male & Female, Mind & Heart, Technology & Nature; 7th Dimensional Telepathic Communication; Star Fairy Speaks; Earth Fairy Speaks; Explanation of 5th, 6th, and 7th Dimensions; Qualities of the Divine Masculine and misused the Divine Feminine; Choose Earth Over Technology; Unplug! What really happened on Earth! The loss of the Peaceful Kingdom;
Live Call Recorded December 26, 2021
Topics: Sharing Stories of Light; Changing the Outer world through Inner Changes; We Do Make a Difference Through our Attitude; New Supplements to Rebalance the Immune System; Feeling Overwhelmed? Turn Attention to the Light; Discarding Old Belief Systems; Trusting in the Impossible!
Live Call Recorded November 28, 2021
Topics: Relationships with Earth, Self, and Others; Are Timelines Converging? Navigating By Energy Rather Than Time; The Dangers of Sugar Cane; Solar Storms & Cosmic rays; Protection: Shungite, Air Purifiers; Is An Uprising Imminent? How To Balance Your Chakras; The Pleiadian Position on Nuclear Power; How Can I Forgive? Steps To Open Your Third Eye; The Most Important Principles to Live By
Live Call Recorded October 31, 2021
Topics: Using A Time of Darkness to Develop Intuition; Embrace These Times Rather Than Resisting; How to Clear Radiation and Toxicity; The Color of Protection; Explanation for Increase in Autism; Return of Divine Feminine Energies;
Disappointed? Change Your Perspective; Looking Inward, Not Outward; 3 Steps to Increase Your Intuition; How Water is Magic; We are Waves of Water & Energy; Crystal Collaboration!
Live Call Recorded October 3, 2021
Topics: Darkness & Unconditional Love; The True Reality & Personal Perspectives; Unfinished Integration & Evolution; The Need to Uncover Blockages & Shadows; Triggers, Patterns, & Emotional Over-reactions; Compassion Towards Self & Others; Personal Boundaries & Responsibility for Emotions; Spiritual Practices as Tools; The Importance of Water; Supporting the Healing of Others; Living Through Ahimsa
Live Call Recorded December 12, 2021
Topics: The Biological Truth; There is no COVID- you have the flu!Carbon-based vs. Crystaline forms; The Truth About Viruses & Bacteria; The Dangers of Belief; Fear + Beliefs= Sickness, not Germs! Compromised Immune Systems, not Viruses Cause Death; Causes of Healing Crisis; The Synthetic Spike Protein Transmission; Stem Cells and Their Gifts; Learning to Discern; Your Natural Power to Heal All Imbalances.
Live Call Recorded November 14, 2021
Topics: Pleiades closest to Earth Now; The Pleiadians’ Evolution; The Magic of Water; The Energy of 7; Merging Spirit into Matter; Civil War Begins in the Heart; Love + Wisdom = Healing; The Power of Sound & Vibration; Shapeshifting–Being Fluid & Flexible; Sleep is a Function of Duality; Honoring the Light That You Are!
Live Call Recorded October 17, 2021
Topics: Breathing as a Guideline; Proper Use of Duality & Toxic Release; Learning Discernment; Responsibility- Saying No & Yes Appropriately; Technology: Use & Abuse; The Real Way to Heal; Integrating All Aspects of Yourself; Stepping
Away From Illusion Brings Empowerment; Abilities Not Yet Discovered: Telepathy & Teleportation; You ALWAYS Have a Choice
Live Call Recorded September 19, 2021
Topics: 13 Healing- Integrating All Aspects of Love; Karma & Reincarnation; Parallel Lives and How to Work With Them; Emotional Tools for Evolution; Using Sound & Energy for Manifestation; Karma: Are You Finished? The Collective Karmic
Loop; Deaths from Inoculation; Using Anger as a Fuel for Change; In Lak’ech-How to Love the Dark
Live Call Recorded September 5, 2021
Topics: Freedom & Illusion- A Higher Perspective; The Power of Banding Together to Say “No!”; Global Warming or Ice Age? Karmic Choices; Will Children Ascend? Fear of Separating From Loved Ones; Golden Trough of Light Revisited; Trust &
Live Call Recorded August 8, 2021
Topics: Beliefs and how they affect you; EMF Sickness;
The War of the 1%; City life vs. living in Nature; Laarkmaa’s Predictions Have Come True; The Future Win can already be seen!
Live Call Recorded July 11, 2021
Topics: The Great Split is Beginning; Prepare by Changing Perspectives; Golden Trough of Light; New Earth; New Humans; Too Much Negative Information; Acknowledge the Dark, but Turn to the Light; Stories of Multidimensionality; People who have passed on: Their role; How to Keep Your Vibration Up!
Empower Yourself; Honor Others’ Choices; Be Responsible for yourself and small children; Alternative Ways to Contribute
Live Call Recorded August 22, 2021
Topics: Portal to the Aquarian Age; Doorway to Freedom; Getting Over the Need for Approval; How to Take Back Control; Using Anger as the Fuel for Change; The Magic of Water; 5G and the Water in Your Body; How to Bypass Karma.
Live Call Recorded July 25, 2021
Topics: Becoming the New Humans; How to make the Evolutionary leap in consciousness; Strengthening the body; Difference between vaccination and inoculation; Do viruses exist? Will the internet go down? Higher star councils cannot be found on Google; Focusing on empowerment; Do the work on the inner plane to reflect the outer world; The shift occurs internally! More beings from other solar systems around Earth now!
Live Call Recorded June 27, 2021
Quantamo Speaks:
Arcturian Transmission of Light to Earth; Disclosure: Truth & Propoganda
Multidimensional Awareness; The Great Split is Happening; Don’t Be Sad at Others’ Choices; Expect More Deaths & Be Courageous; Care of Others and Yourself; Responsibility for Yourself; Helping the Immune System; The Importance of Touch; Children Born Now.
Live Call Recorded June 13, 2021
Topics: Higher Vibrational Living; Seeing the World as You Are; Guidelines for Raising Your Frequency; DNA Opening in Higher Frequencies; How Beings of Love and Light are Helping; More People Awakening; Eclipse Meanings; The Appropriateness of Difficult Choices; Removing Yourself from Toxic Situations;
Importance of Resonate & Supportive Environment; Follow Your Heart.
Live Call Recorded May 30, 2021
Topics: Chaos; Tools to move through the Collective Shadow; Multidimensional Gratitude; Multidimensional Generosity; Importance of the Inner World; Your Purpose; Higher Frequency; You are all divine; Revolution; Language is a form of toning; Pine NeedleTea
Live Call Recorded May 16, 2021
Topics: Moving to higher frequencies as intense energies arrive; Essentials of flexibility & flow; The energy of number six; Use the word “interstand”; Thoughts manifest into form; Harmony defined; Possible false news of UFO attack; Learn to
recognize the vibration of Truth; Moving into Waveform.
Live Call Recorded May 2, 2021
Topics: Moving into Multidimensionality; You are more powerful than you know; You have Cosmic Greatness within you; Remember: You are always in control; It’s not what you do–it’s who you are; Listen to your heart’s wisdom; Earth’s Ascension progress; Questions and Answers on the global
Live Call Recorded April 18, 2021
Laarkmaa: Proper understanding of Unity, Cooperation, and Connection; Catalyzing Change for Freedom; Inviting the dark into the light; Live a parallel existence rather than surrendering; the Year of Revolution: Stand up for justice; Let others be responsible for their own choices; The consciousness of “I” versus “We”; You are not alone–you are connected.
The Voice: You are a divine spark; Fear is the opposite of love and can ripple out as much as love can, so step out of fear; We are helping you.
Elmore: Consciousness is where you live in your heart; Cosmic law is not the same as 3D law; Inoculation can take away your humanity; To say no gains freedom;
Live Call Recorded April 4, 2021
Topics: The process of Ascension; Symptoms of Ascension; Symptoms of Cosmic Weather; Schuman Resonance & Earth’s Ascension; All Experiences are for Evolution; Increase Trust through Gratitude; What is a Fully Functional Human?; Living in Unconditional Love; Mary Magdalene: Why we should “Fear Not!”; Taking Responsibility for and action against 5G; What causes Autism; Family decisions of Vaccination: Stay true to your heart!
Special Equinox Live Call Recorded March 21, 2021
Topics: Balance of dark and light; Seeking balance within ourselves; 3 Splits in Duality- Male & Female, Mind & Heart, Technology & Nature; Becoming Transparent androgynous beings; What is preventing Community.
Live Call Recorded March 14, 2021
Topics: Pains in hips, knees, shoulders, wrists; Change from carbon form to liquid crystalline form; Sacred Geometry & Symbols for transition support; Supplements for transition support; 7th Dimensional Telepathic Communication; Dangers of inoculation for travel; Agenda to de-populate; Shielding suggestions against 5G; Taking back your power; Quantamo speaks about Arcturian and other star fleet support; How
YOU make a difference!
Live Call Recorded February 28, 2021
Topics: All about light; Star Fairy Speaks; Earth Fairy Speaks; Applying colors with light; Storing energy from sungazing;11th Dimension; Bending Time; How to be with a lower vibrational person;nBenefits of a Personal Synchronization; Exercise to use light for personal evolution
Live Call Recorded February 14, 2021
Topics: The meaning behind everything; Explanation of 5th, 6th, and 7th Dimensions; Qualities of the Divine Masculine and how they have been distorted and misused; Qualities of the Divine Feminine and how they have been distorted and misused; Moving towards Androgyny; Proper perspective of Justice; Experiences of Multidimensionality; Water as a medium for Epiphanies; A New Vocabulary for Creativity and Art; The Cause of Density
Live Call Recorded January 31, 2021
Topics: The Split is happening; This year of Revolution––Stand up and fight; How the dark can manipulate you and how to avoid it; You are not your genetics or your history; Your strength is in being present NOW; Choose Earth over
Technology; Unplug! Facebook––Disengage from spy tools now; The Pleiadian view of Innoculations; Speaking each other into being
Live Call Recorded January 17, 2021
Topics: Expose! What really happened on Earth! How did we get where we are? Sugar’s role in creating Fear; The loss of the Peaceful Kingdom; The difference in Light Workers, Light Movers, & Light Bearers; Helping others who are in despair; The Opposite of Love; How do we return or go forward?
The need to change our language.
Live Call Recorded January 3, 2021
Topics: What really happened on Solstice? Special powers re-defined? Which ones do you have? Disappointment and Expectations; Change is a process; Objectifying your experiences;The Real Schumann Resonance measure.

January 5 - June 28 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
Topics Include: 12 Strands of DNA & 12 Dimensions; The Universe & You; Imagination as a tool; Using both sides of the brain; Tones and Mantras to help us; Light in all its forms; Pain and Pleasure; Mary Magdalene Speaks; Synchronicity, Flow, and Intuition; 5G and One World Plan; Mother Mary provides Grace; A Fairy's Perspective; Wisdom from The Voice; Flow, Flexibility, Freedom, and Abundance; Liquid Time; Important Arcturian Message from Quantamo; Our Changing Brainwaves;
External & Internal Effects of Light; Family as Training Ground; What is My Responsibility? A peaceful heart is necessary to Ascend; Atlantis and our Civilization
July 12 - December 13 Live Call recordings (Zip File)
The Star Fairy: Look to the Stars; Quantamo: Report on Arcturian ships; Kulmas, Pan’s Representative: the Peaceful New Earth; Emiru: 3 Ways emotions cause harm; The Voice: The split of Duality moves to Unity; Elmore: How to raise consciousness; Mary Magdaline: Justice and Love;
Fairy Kingdom: The importance of Laughter and Beauty; Gem Star: Preparing for the Waves of arriving energy; Andahmus: The secret of Zip, Zip, Zip! Mother Mary: Love is the greatest power;
Laarkmaa’s Ascension Formula –
Peace comes when you stop judging others; Experience of Portals in Nature; Why fear is present on Earth and how to remove it;
Liquid Time; 2 necessary things for Ascension; Giving up who you think you are; Fear: Humanity's Greatest Enemy; Transition to Crystalline Bodies; The New Humans!
Live Call Recorded July 12, 2020 Part 1
Topics: The Universe & You; Inner & Outer Space; Multi-Dimensionality vs. 5th Dimension; Dimensional Shifts;
Healing and Water
Live Call Recorded July 12, 2020 Part 2 emailed Q & A
Topics: The Universe & You; Story-less Sparks; How the Coronavirus spreads; The emotions of humans; Shielding 5G; Opening new realms.
Laarkmaa's Message to the World Recorded January 21, 2020
Topics: What is Fear? and What is Separation?; Separation as fear of annihilation; Earth as a Cosmic Playground; Understanding the Nature of all Reality; Integration moves you into the Ascension process; A peaceful heart is necessary to Ascend; On Earth, You cannot continue to live in a lower frequency; Embracing rather than avoiding the process of transition; Asking for Grace; Atlantis and our Civilization; Surrendering the Illusion of Self; The Dar's request to return to the Light.
Live Call Recorded December 13, 2020
Speakers and Topics: The Star Fairy: Look to the Stars; Quantamo: Report on Arcturian ships; Kulmas, Pan’s Representative: the Peaceful New Earth; Emiru: 3 Ways emotions cause harm; The Voice: The split of Duality moves to Unity; Elmore: How to raise consciousness; Mary Magdaline: Justice and Love; Fairy Kingdom: The importance of Laughter and Beauty; Gem Star: Preparing for the Waves of arriving energy;
Andahmus: The secret of Zip, Zip, Zip! Mother Mary: Love is the greatest power; and
Laarkmaa’s Ascension Formula - Must be heard repeatedly to integrate the meaning!
Live Call Recorded November 8, 2020
Topics: Incoming waves of change; Feeling states vs. emotions; Multi-dimensional achievements; Parallel lives; Liquid Time; Sound as the originator of movement; The path to healing; Tone to find peace; Pineal gland importance;
Dangers of Inoculation; Preparing the Battleground.
Live Call Recorded October 11, 2020
Topics: Quantamo Speaks!; 5G Already in place; Being “herded” into AI; Technical difficulties will continue; Suggestions for Moving Forward; Responding with love to angry people; More parallel lives in other dimensions; Cross species communication; Stories of Gifts: Other dimensional helpers.
Live Call Recorded September 27, 2020
Topics: Working on remaining shadows; 2 necessary things for Ascension; Giving up who you think you are; Continued work in the Inner planes; Other helpers from Love and Light; The meaning of Earth changes in South Africa; Standing up in Unity; Defining Love & Light.
Live Call Recorded August 23, 2020
Topics: Magnetosphere Anomaly; Astroids Near Earth; Arcturian Captain Quantamo Speaks; Fear: Humanity's Greatest Enemy; Not Everyone Who Channels Brings Light; The End of the Human Species; Transition to Crystalline Bodies; The New Humans!
Live Call Recorded July 26, 2020
Topics: 12 Strands of DNA; 12 Dimensions; Gateway to a Portal opening; techniques for becoming light; Spending time in your inner space; a new Mantra to get us through this transition.
Live Call Recorded June 7, 2020
Topics: Subconscious reprogramming; Objectivity gives you power; It's all experience! Using your emotions well; Need to continue 5G Protests; June 22 Global Protest; Movement toward Unity; Living on Love, Light, & Water
Live Call Recorded May 10, 2020
Topics: Liquid Time; Pain and Pleasure; Truth and Lies; Fake Spiritual News; Fight for your Freedom; Don’t be a “White Lighter”; Mary Magdalene Speaks; You are your saviors
Live Call Recorded April 5, 2020
Topics: Two Perspectives; 5G and One World Plan; False Prophets; 2020 Structures fall; Schumann & Gravity; Ascension Description; Mother Mary provides Grace; Mary Magdalene–Fear Not; Arcturian Captain Quantamo gives update; "Mover" shifts our energy; A Fairy's Perspective; Wisdom from The Voice.
Live Call Recorded February 23, 2020
Topics: Schumann Resonance - Mental, Emotional, & Physical Effects; Our Changing Brainwaves; External & Internal Effects of Light; Ascension Symptoms Expanded; A Meditation to Deal With Symptoms; Dietary Changes for Ascension; Our Role in What Happens; Leading With the Heart; We Are the Light!
Live Call Recorded January 19, 2020
Topics: Changes and Disappointments; Feeling Oppression & Uncovering the last Shadows; Ripples of Underlying Goodness; Sending Light to Animals; Results of Cosmic Ceremony; the Noise of Ascension; Clearing Parallel Life Trauma; The Path of Ascension for Couples; How to Be an Authentic Human.
Live Call Recorded December 6, 2020
Topics: Unity is not what you think; Group think vs. Individuality; In Lak’ech and Ahimsa; Critical Mass is Not Necessary; Peace comes when you stop judging or trying to change others; Stop being victims and empower yourselves;
Increased Frequency; Feeling Earthquakes in the body; High Schumann Resonance indicates Ascension movement; Rise above the Illusion; Gratitude brings Joy!
Live Call Recorded November 22, 2020
Topics: Ascension of the Planet; Experience of Portals in Nature; Time for Trauma Clearing almost over; Releasing all attachments; Process of Cutting Cords; Why fear is present on Earth and how to remove it; How to Acknowledge your emotions and move beyond them; What grief, anger, jealousy, and fear show you; Karma & Defending the body
against Inoculations; A Return to your Natural Feeling State; Recipe for Manifestation; Special Steps to Prepare for December possibilities; Time to complete your experiences; Being Called into Service to Earth
Live Call Recorded October 25, 2020
Topics: Moving forward with trust; Physical and mental changes; 3 Evolutionary guidelines; Pleidian Evolutionary process; Personal responsibility for the planet; Earthquake sensitivity; Distribution of false information; Continuing
the fight against 5G-6G.
Live Call Recorded September 13, 2020
Topics: Quantamo-Arcturian Protection; False Alien Attack Rumors; Severe Weather Changes Approach; How to Prepare for Coming Food Shortages; Physical Changes; Spinal Tingles; Clarification About Human Species Changes; Revolution at Hand; GET OUT OF THE CITIES!;
Live Call Recorded August 9, 2020
Topics: Cosmic Alignment & New Energy; End of the Species?
A.I. Danger; Mask Madness; Fake News & Lies; Speaking Out Against the Controlling (less than) 1%; Techniques for Getting Out of Mental Loops; Inner Landscape - Preparing for the Cosmic Pop
Live Call Recorded June 28, 2020
Topics: Imagination as a tool; Using both sides of the brain; Standing up against the Dark; Tones and Mantras to help us; More Interstellar presence; December Cosmic Pop!
Live Call Recorded May 24, 2020
Topics: Light in all its forms; Transparency; Peaceful Revolution; Uplifting Stories that make a difference.
Live Call Recorded April 19, 2020
Topics: Liquid Time; Living in the Now; Synchronicity, Flow, & Intuition; The Heart takes the lead; Mind protects and controls ego; Changing Perceptions about Reality; A time of peace and harmony; Pleiadian Homework Assignment.
Live Call Recorded March 15, 2020
Topics: Humanity's Evaluation; Importance of 3 - Loving energy; Flow, Flexibility, Freedom, and Abundance; Liquid Time; Important Arcturian Message from Quantamo; Stepping away from EMF pollution; Latest Ascension Symptoms & Changes; The Higher Perspective of Corona Virus
Live Call Recorded February 9, 2020
Topics: Family as Training Ground: What is My Responsibility; Forgiveness; All Life on Earth is Family; Light to Raise Our Vibration- Cosmic Rays & Schumann Resonance Explained; Message to Humanity Youtube; Transcending Duality; The True Nature of the Dark.
Live Call Recorded January 5, 2020
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 7 - Moving Forward - Preparing to be You!
Topics: Who are you becoming? What does Ascension look like? What actually happens? Golden Trough of Light; Chaos and Change–An objective View; Telepathic Communication; Unity and In Lak'ech; Cosmic Pop-Shift-Event; True Foundation of the Greater Reality.

January - December Live Call recordings 2019 (Zip File)
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 6 - Preparing for a Different World
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 5 - Where is Your Consciousness?
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 4 - The Changing Structures of Reality
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 3 - Healing
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 2- Obectivity
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 1- Unity Consciousness
Time Shifts and Synchronicity; Dimensional awareness through integration of self; Steps to Peace; Save your planet!
What will future communities look like?
Resources for the Truth; The power to co-create a different world.
Moments of Magic; Meditation for Greater Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency
Live Call Recorded December 22, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 6 - Preparing for a Different World
Topics: Third-dimensional perspective; What color glasses are you wearing?; The meaning of different; Preparations for what is coming; Financial, Political, and Earth changes; Chaos and Trust; Propaganda and fake news; Starbeings become more visible; Losing linear time; Where is your now moment?; The power to co-create a different world.
Live Call Recorded November 24, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 4 - The Changing Structures of Reality
Topics: Structural changes; perceptions; time; space; atmosphere; pole shifts; ley lines; weather patterns; political structures; financial structures; physical symptoms from outer influences;; detaching from expectations; confusion; why do things fall apart when I am trusting the universe to provide? building a new foundation; how to gain multi-dimensional experiences.
Live Call Recorded October 20, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 2
Topics: Objectivity Consciousness
Possibilities of Evolution; Feeling State vs Reality; Importance of Trauma Clearings; Moving from Spark to Flame; Slowing down to accelerate evolution; What to learn from experiences; The meaning of Resonance; What is Love?; Reincarnation vs Parallel Lives; Discernment vs Judgement; Facing our Fears; Flower of Life; Shape Shifting; Sending Love creates Space
Live Call Recorded August 18, 2019
Topics: Portals of Light bring new consciousness; having our light meet the incoming light; time dissolving, time shifts, and synchronicity; spiritual family banding together; awakening consciousness through sending light; the colors of tones; concepts of energetic exchange; choosing and fine tuning our relationships; less questions and more knowing; dimensional awareness through integration of selves; the power of Trauma Clearing sessions; the secret to doing things differently.
Live Call Recorded June 30, 2019
Topics: the coming portal; vibration is the key to the portal; the importance of feeling; letting go of thoughts; acting from the feeling state; no escape from 3D; inexplicable suffering; service and compassion; Eclipse energy; inexplicable heaviness; deep inner work; step-by-step to peace.
Live Call Recorded May 5, 2019
Topics: Save your planet! Take back your power; Who is responsible for 5G-AI or Extraterrestrials? Countries Banning 5G; Actions against 5G; Support for Greta Thunberg in fighting 5G; Saving our children; Aligning the inner work with the outer work; Will the New Earth shake off technology? What will future communities look like? Being trapped by linear time and other 3-D structures; Mental training and control;
Andy's Miracle Meditation: the technique for sending love to make change.
Live Call Recorded March 10, 2019
Topics: Surrendering to What Is True; Geocosmic Engineering; What Our Governments Tell Us Isn't True; Earth & Cosmic Weather; Cosmic Rays and Schumann Resonance; G-5 and Technological Interference; What We Can Do;
Resources for the Truth; Move Away from Technology; Surviving Regardless of Money; Change is Coming
Quickly; Moments of Magic; The Power of Sending Love and Light
Live Call Recorded January 6, 2019
Today's call included a meditation intending greater honesty, integrity, and transparency for all those who disseminate information in any form. Please join this intention and help us create more transparency in our world!
Other topics: Great transformation is here; eclipses and earthquakes; the importance of collaboration; disengaging from 3D; the necessity of going inwards to listen; Light Bearers reach multi-dimensionality; increasing vibration to reach waveform; quieting mind and emotions; artificial family relationships on Earth; using 13-day Universal energy
cycles to spiral through conscious evolution.
Live Call Recorded December 8, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 5 - Where is Your Consciousness?
Topics: The larger picture of consciousness; Purpose of the pineal gland; Dangers to the pineal gland; How to prevent death of the human species; 5-G or Life?; ADHD; December-January Collective Shadow Cycle; Portals to locations of higher consciousness; Living in cities; Bodily effects of sending love and light.
Live Call Recorded November 9, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 3 - Healing
Topics: Healing; Accelerating the evolutionary process; Time is short; Merging the spiritual and material; Merging the physical and the etheric; How the Rainbow body is achieved; The Ascension process; Ascension symptoms; What to do when you feel ill; Helpful remedies; Greater perceptions of reality; Completing the assignment; Achieving joy!
Live Call Recorded September 22, 2019
Laarkmaa's Pleiadian Manual of Accelerated Evolution- Part 1
Topics: Unity Consciousness
Higher Vibratory Resonance; Keeping safe through a general
inclination toward unity; Experiencing timelessness; How to bring known concepts into a lived experience; How to decalcify the pineal gland; How to Participate with whatever occurs; the meaning and practice of In Lak'ech; Changing how we think; Moving beyond the mental level of understanding; How to teach your child discipline; How to become more light and less shadow; Trauma Clearing Sessions are life-changing; Benefits of the alignment of chakras; How to understand dream guidance; What to do when the dark wants your
light; Incorporating Light into our structure; Being a Light Bearer.
Live Call Recorded July 28, 2019
Topics: Consciousness is more than you think; Meditation for Grace to move through chaos; 5-G Dangers Increase; 3D and Multi-dimensional work; Night travel to work in other dimensions; Neutralizing negative and dark energies; changes in diet; the importance of present moment; Dealing with exhaustion and boredom; Supplements to help; Dangers
of Sugar; Cleansing of ancestral beliefs and blockages; Shapeshifting is possible; Be the vibration we already are.
Live Call Recorded June 2, 2019
Topics: The battle between Life and A.I.; 5G-6G; Amazon-Google-Facebook; Collecting private information; Identity Scans; Saying No; Raising Your Vibrations; Trusting the Universe; Emotions are About YOU; How else can I think; Technological temporary assistance and guidelines; Dealing with scattered thoughts; Building Communities.
Live Call Recorded February 10, 2019
Topics: Computational point for humanity; 3 Loving; purpose of duality; accelerating changes, pole shift; staying in your heart; the importance of Nature; motivation as a light bearer; proper retreat; how to read signs & interpret messages; Stonehenge and other stone circles; Findhorn Garden; preparation of challenging times: food, water, light, and heat. Great transformation is here;

February - November Live Call recordings 2018 (Zip File)
Topics: The Final Battle; The End of Monetary Control; The Computational Point of Change; Cosmic Pop; Integrating:12 Strands of DNA & 12 Dimensions; The energy of 11;
Laarkmaa's WARNING & Guidance; Venus Helps us Move through Duality; Practice Being Fluid, like a Wave; The value of laughter; Mandala Effect and Liquid Time; Wisdom, not Knowledge; What is Rainbow Body?
The Power of Human Choice; Memory Lapses are "On Purpose"; Making Space for the Unexpected; Cellular Memory; Our Choices Designed this Path; A simple way to transmute dark; Aligning with the light.
Live Call Recorded December 9, 2018
Topics: Predictions for 2019; The Final Battle; The End of Monetary Control; The Computational Point of Change; Solar Minimum & Cosmic Rays; Global Warming is not the issue; Cosmic Pop; Where should I be? Human Barometers; Changing the world; 3 Techniques; The new 2019 calendar;
Integrating:12 Strands of DNA & 12 Dimensions; Comet Wirtanen; How to use the comet's energy; Laarkmaa's Heart Meditation
This Call is a Gift from Pia, Cullen and Laarkmaa.
Please share as your heart nudges you to.
Live Call Recorded November 11, 2018
Topics: Illumination, the energy of 11, using 3-D senses differently, the gift of our sensitivities, symptoms of evolution, changes in our magnetosphere, strange clouds, unusual lights in the sky, strange sounds on Earth, space sounds, trust, unusual headaches, mental telepathy, extreme and unusual weather patterns, cellular expansion and DNA opening, experiencing parallel realities.
Live Call Recorded October 7, 2018
Topics: Laarkmaa's WARNING & Guidance; Solar Minimum & Cosmic Rays; Effects on Humans & Earth; October Geological Changes; Storms & Quakes; Venus Helps us Move through Duality; Practice Being Fluid, like a Wave; Becoming a Light Bearer; Listening to Your Heart to Move or Stay; Drop all Judgment & Eliminate all Fear; How to Release Anger; Different Ways of Communicating; Time for Ceremonies is over.
Live Call Recorded September 16, 2018
Topics: Planetary news; What is causing fires; Strange weather; Volcanoes on the horizon; Your only job; Tools for raising your vibration; How to deal with low energies; The benefit of just BEING; NDE's; Your subconscious; The value of laughter.
Live Call Recorded August 5, 2018
Topics: Cosmic rays; Magnetosphere; Heat Waves; Lightening Fires; Mandala Effect; Liquid Time; Wisdom, not Knowledge; Compassion or Reaction; Chaos Explained, Brain and Memory; Physical Pains; Earthquake Predictions; Pole Shifts; Earth Wobble; What is Rainbow Body?
Live Call Recorded July 22, 2018
Topics: Cosmic rays; increase in heat; more earthquakes; heightened politics; adapting to increased radiation; preparations; poles shifting; help from starbeings; power of human choice; heightened intuition; liquid time; multi-dimensionality; shapeshifting; tuning to higher frequencies;
focus on possibilities; evolutionary schools; rescuing ourselves; how to meet our star family; dealing with solar minimum; aligning with Alcyone; nuclear war; is survival the highest calling?
Live Call Recorded June 24, 2018
Topics: Consciousness vs. intelligence; knowledge vs. wisdom; be aware of choice; increase in volcanic & earthquake activity; thinning of Earth's shields; changes in the magnetosphere; wobble in Earth's orbit; reduction in air travel; changes in diet; supplement help; AI (Artificial Intelligence); understanding dark vs. light; intuitive guidance; Nature beings.
Live Call Recorded May 20, 2018
Topics: Computational Point of Change; Bodily Shakes & Other Symptoms; Disassembling of the Physical; The Nervous System & Belonging; Feelings of Anticipation; Memory Lapses are "On Purpose"; Moving into Wavelike Response; Using Water to Communicate; Exit Point for Many; Making Space for the Unexpected; Living in Now Energy ; Creating a New Atmosphere; The Danger of Disappointment; Mental Work of Possibility; Changes in the Sun; Radiation Upgrades; Alcyon - Pleiadian Sun
Live Call Recorded April 15, 2018
Topics: Three types of consciousness: Mind, heart, cellular; Earthquakes affected by political tension; Love & light make a difference in the world; Time to dissolve and finish old patterns; Accelerated physical changes; People leaving the planet; New forms of nourishment; Sending light to Cyprus and the Middle East; Embracing empathy; Clearing emotions; Abundance through sharing; Water's intelligence.
Live Call Recorded March 18, 2018
Topics: Equinox Energies; Cellular Memory; Solar Activity; Radiation Increase; 12 Strands of DNA; Release from Attachment; Spontaneous Synchronicity; Symptoms of Change; Cosmic Pops; Distancing from 3D Reality; Disconnection from Guides; Labeling Symptoms; Body as a Spiritual Tool; The Unity of Love & Light; Gratitude & Compassion; Our Choices Designed this Path; Ascension Process
Live Call Recorded February 11, 2018
Topics: Different perspectives of life's evolution; Planetary alignments pressing for changes; Aligning with the light; Approaching unity; A simple way to transmute dark; The intelligence of crystals; Detoxifying yourselves; Loving every cell in our body; Feeling states that guide our thoughts; Importance of higher vibrational thoughts; The end of karma

January - December Live Call recordings 2017 (Zip File)
Topics: Multidimensional issues living in 3D; Understanding the Energy around Death; Awakening to the power of who you are; The most important shift we can make; Awakening Minds; The Veil of Limitations; Dissipating Negative Energies; Lighting the Way; Fire and Water; Honoring the Body; Causes of Disease; Dissolving Time; The Power of Words; Triangles and the Power of 3; How to build more profound and deep relationships; The Energy of 10; How to discover the energies of any given day;
Live Call Recorded December 10, 2017
Topics: DNA & 12 dimensions; Government FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) concerning interstellar beings; Simultaneous Multidimensional experiences in 3D; Multidimensional issues living in 3D; Parallel Community;
Respond rather than react; Releasing techniques & old traditions; Understanding Energy around Death; Dreams;
Live Cyprus Session Recorded October 4, 2017
Topics: Dark & Light; Awakening Minds; The Veil of Limitations; Dissipating Negative Energies; Structuring Water With Love; Transcending exercise; Pleiadian Language; Toning energies; Island of Love
Live Call Recorded September 2017
Topics: Fire and Water; Radiating Peace; Water as a Communicator; Religious Rituals; Human's Greatest Fear;
Self-Healing; Energy & Trust; Media Misinformation; A View of Earth Changes
Live Call Recorded July 2017
Topics: True Safety; Dissolving Time; Inner Reality; Responses to Loss; Releasing Self-image; Transformative Thought forms; Shifting of Time and Space; The power of Love; Pituitary gland & Salt Water; Earth Ascension; The coming eclipse; The power of Words; Parallel Lives
Live Call Recorded April 2017
Topics: Perceiving challenges as opportunities; Increasing wind on the planet; Triangles and the power of 3; Crystal bowls; Profound tiredness; Universal vs. Heart Energy; Understanding liquid time
Live Call Recorded February 2017
Topics: Challenges and Manifestation; the Energy of 10; Ascension symptoms; Live on Love, Light & Water; How to discover the energies of a given day; Linear vs Energy counting; Wave motion in daily practice; Get to Trust thru Gratitude; Rocking Babies; Collective Shadows
Live Marbella Session Recorded November 25, 2017
Topics: Awakening to the power of who you are; What is my mission?; Awakening to larger perspectives; Feelings that connect us; Interstellar beings coming to Earth; Origins of Dementia; Protection from waves of technology; The most important shift we can make; A new religion?
What types of meditation are helpful?
Live Cyprus Session Recorded September 20, 2017
Topics: Lighting the Way; Making a Difference; Healing Abilities; Raising Your Vibration; In Lak'ech; Connecting with Source; A Practical Return to Gratitude; Increasing Patience; An Invitation
Live Call Recorded August 2017
Topics: Intention - Co-Creation; Body of Consciousness and Honoring the Body; Power of Choice; Lunar Eclipse Aug 7th; Solar Eclipse Aug 21st; Causes of Disease; Holy Moments; Human Electrical Experience
Live Call Recorded June 2017
Topics: Unexpected Changes; Increasing intuition; Disclosure; Remember the Light that you Are; Limiting beliefs; Forgetfulness; Chaotic times; The gifts of Challenge; Panic; Power of intention
Live Call Recorded March 2017
Topics: How to heal from another dimensions; Surrender Fear; Trust; Healing modalities for cataracts; The meaning behind dental problems; Essence of Change; Releasing what no longer serves; How to build more profound and deep relationship
Live Call Recorded January 2017
Topics: Waveform; Relationship with Water; Being Fluid; Strange Sensations; Communicating with other realms; Climate Change and rebalancing energies; Dissipating Earth's stuck energies
Laarkmaa's Special on Community
Topics: Forming Community; Investing in Community; Money; How to choose land for Community; School in Community; Jobs in Community; Animals in Community;
Co-Creating on Earth

January - December Live Call recordings 2016 (Zip File)
Topics: Astral Travel; Hollow Earth; The Wisdom of Water; Stop looking outside ourselves for answers; New Values: Fair & Equal Energetic Exchange; Pleiadian Astrology; The Importance of Loyalty to the Truth; Meditation for Sending Love and Light into the Water of the World; Sending Light into the darkness exercise; Healing Atlantean devastation; Acclimating and balancing higher consciousness; Using parallel (past) lives to heal; Transmuting chemtrails
Laarkmaa with Cyprus Group December 21, 2016
Topics: Peaks in waves of energy; What will happen to the dark?; Seeing energy in its true essence; Desire to leave the planet; How to achieve your heart's desire; Is humanity an experiment?; The vibratory waveform of existence; Who is close to Rainbow Body form?; The REAL Law of Attraction; Vaccination Harm; What can we do to help Laarkmaa?
Live Call Recorded November 2016
Topics: Wisdom of Water; Community that values all Life; Active Waiting; New paradigm for Business; Stop looking outside ourselves for answers; The dilemma of Refugees; Standing Rock; Humans misunderstanding of the intelligence of water
Live Call Recorded September 2016
Topics: True Reality; Loyalty to Truth; Accelerated Transition; How to be of Service; The Power of Gratitude; Thoughts are Energy; Tending to your Energetic Field; Sending Love and Light into the unknown.
Live Call Recorded July 2016
Topics: Sending Love and Light into the Water of the World meditation; Water, our most precious and magical resource on this planet; Laarkmaa answers questions and engages in conversation with callers from around the world.
Live Call Recorded June 2016
Topics: Listen to Laarkmaa's advice regarding upcoming weather changes and how they may affect how we live. Laarkmaa also answers many questions from callers and provides an energetic exercise in which we can all participate to ease our way through our evolutionary process.
Live Call Recorded April 2016
One hour of questions and answers
Live Call Recorded March, 2016
Topics: Sustaining life on earth, trusting that all experiences have value. task for Light Movers, Earth changes off the West coast of US, political changes, chemtrails, what it means to be a healer, the great split, cosmic pops, overpopulation and Earth's ascension, measuring abundance in a new way, onion and garlic as neurotoxins, storing water and food, appropriate way to help others, using parallel (past) lives to heal
Live Call Recorded February, 2016
Topics: Questions to ask yourself, opportunities to communicate with other beings, rainbow bridge between US and Russia, becoming a higher vibratory species, changes to the Earth's magnetic field, our choices serve our evolution, reason for and changes in chemtrails, the process of alchemically dissipating chemtrails, eliminating victimhood, the best way to serve, best fabrics for our body
Live Call Recorded December 2016
Topics: Dreams; Astral Travel; Changing Environment; Hollow Earth; "Truth Bumps"; The truth about Truth; Cell Phones; Solar Flares
Live Call Recorded October 2016
Topics: Chaos; Living on Light, Love and Water; Emotions vs Feelings; Ridding ourselves of negative emotions; Ascension Choices; Community and Fair & Equal Energetic Exchange; Don't Give Up!; Changes in the way we Communicate; Sound Frequencies; A New Planet & Pleiadian Astrology.
Seven Oaks Event Recorded August 2016
Topics: Building Community; Light Movers and Money; People of the Elongated Skull; Intermingling of Star Beings and Humans; Help from the Divine Feminine; Making it Easier to Communicate with Star Beings; Crop Circles as Communication; Paying Attention to the World; How the Dark Serves the Light; Divine Sexuality and Co-Creation; The Creation of a Parallel World; Ascension Symptoms; Rainbow; Energy and Colors; Crystal Consciousness. The Power of Pyramids; Seeing Pleiadians; The Planet of Choice; The Most Valuable Thing About Life; The Purpose of Portals; The Magnetic Pull Towards Fear; Orbs–Energetic Beings of Light; Care of Animals; The Peaceable Kingdom; What happened to Harmony and Peace?
Live Call Recorded May 2016
Topics: Sending Light into the darkness exercise; Night terrors; Increasing sensitivities and awareness; All energies are available to you; Your power to manipulate energy; Mu; Evolutionary push for change; Healing Atlantian devastation; Wave of cooperation; Acclimating and balancing higher consciousness
Albuquerque Event Recording March 2016
Topics: Three hours of Laarkmaa's wisdom, recorded in March of 2016, reveals the state of the world from a Pleiadian perspective. Find out where we are and what we should be doing to evolve consciously. Topics include: the power of choice, how water helps us evolve, help for challenging times, dealing with family, parallel lives, androgyny, filters and the purity of mediumship, cosmic vision and the akashic record, blueprint for the New Human, an everyday spiritual practice, inviting love into the dark, earthquakes and eclipses, a warp in reality, bending time -- dimensional travel, thinking in a spiral
Live Call Recorded January, 2016
Topics: What 2016 holds in store for us, the most important thing light movers must do in 2016, preparing for changes to come in Spring of 2017 and preparing for the Great Shift, integrating parallel lives, 12 strands of DNA that make the whole human, What is a cosmic pop?, be ready in each moment for change, changes to the physical body, encouraging communication with being of love and light, transmuting chemtrails

January - December Live Call recordings 2015 (Zip File)
Topics: Astral Travel; Hollow Earth; The Wisdom of Water; Stop looking outside ourselves for answers; New Values: Fair & Equal Energetic Exchange; Pleiadian Astrology; The Importance of Loyalty to the Truth; Meditation for Sending Love and Light into the Water of the World; Sending Light into the darkness exercise; Healing Atlantean devastation; Acclimating and balancing higher consciousness; Using parallel (past) lives to heal; Transmuting chemtrails