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Claiming Our Rights

Writer: Pia and CullenPia and Cullen

Declaration of Sovereignty

The Full Moon in Aires arrives Sunday night; it is the fourth super moon in a row, and thus, will have a powerful and profound effect on the tectonic plates of the Earth and the inner waters of our own psyches. There will also be a full lunar eclipse tonight. During this time, it is possible that we may experience enhanced psychic connections and extraordinary new understandings of the true reality. It is important at this time to be open to the possibilities. It is also important to claim our power while we are open to these new energies.

Some who are aware of the dark energies that wish to suppress and control the light that sustains us are circulating a “Declaration of Full Sovereignty” of our Total Selves to help remind us of who we are and the power we carry. While Laarkmaa always tells us that “even the dark serves the light,” we also must be aware that we have a choice in how we send light into the darkness and how we can choose love over fear. It is appropriate and important at this time for each of us to claim our power, to remember who we are, and to free ourselves from subconscious or unconscious forces that may be negatively affecting our physical health, our thoughts, our emotions, our finances, or our relationships. Below is our abbreviated version of the Declaration of Full Sovereignty, which states what we must reclaim for ourselves. (The full version is available online by the same title). Laarkmaa says that we “speak ourselves into being.” Perhaps reading this declaration outloud to ourselves or one another during this time of transition can help us to reclaim the truth of Who We Are. Remember that the love and wisdom of Laarkmaa is always there helping us on our evolutionary journey.

With love and light,

Pia and Cullen

Declaration of Full Sovereignty in This Embodiment

Immortality, Freedom, Immunity from Earth’s authority structure


I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human body suit.

I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living Being.

Consent for everything must be asked for. There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever, for anything that affects my person.

I am the final arbiter and authority on what my consent means. It can NOT be used against me in any way, shape or form, because it is MY CREATION.

I now connect with my Guides who stand behind my highest interests in every given situation, and I call on my higher self to merge with me, guide me, and assist me in declaring, embodying, and enacting 100% Sovereignty of my Being in every NOW moment, in accordance with the goals, and intentions that I freely chose for this lifetime.

I call upon the elemental, cosmic, and ancestral realms, interdimensional and intergalactic intelligences to witness my declaration, to assist in upholding the integrity of my intention, and to co-create with me in manifesting my highest potentials personally, and in service to the Earth.



  1. I assert autonomy over my physical and nonphysical embodiment, my energetic vibration, and all resulting emanations.

1.2 I explicitly disallow any and all interference with the energy of my Being to distort or delay the fulfillment of my purpose in this lifetime. The harvesting of my energy is strictly forbidden by me. Whatever form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use or profit from.

1.3 I cancel All contracts and All agreements with All Entities throughout All of My Lives, in All Dimensions and in All Timelines that are not in my highest interest.

1.4 I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, or their representatives, and especially secret society groups: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason. This includes all means and forms of communication, whether in my personal life, in e-mails, phone conversations, computer usage, internet travel and access, personal or business writings.

1.5 I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanites, parasites, harmful vaccines or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever to be used upon my human physical body, mind, or soul.

1.6 I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of MIND CONTROL, or the use of intelligent technology implants (physical, ethereal, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, emotions, or soul or could result in loss of memories from this and all previous lifetimes in ANY way. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch.

1.7 I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on me at any time, anywhere, creating negative outcomes on the health and welfare of the PLANET EARTH or the health and welfare of my own living Being, or to my freedoms, my prosperity, or my happiness, (also described as my life). You WILL be contractually obligated to COMPENSATE me for any deceptions that cause the Planet Earth or me harm.

1.8 I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of mental energies or any other forms of frequency to attack against my living Being. I do not consent to any NEGATIVE BEINGS creating dreams when I am asleep, or attacking me while I sleep. I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of any manner of spells cast, which could then cause a negative affect on my body, mind, emotions, or soul. I DO NOT CONSENT to machine like, robotic technology either physically, ethereally, or astrally implanted, and used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my emotions my astral body, or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.

1.9 I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy.

1.10 I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, my emotions, or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of secret or covert, Earth based or off-world technology that projects, pulses, beams, or waves, any frequency which is detrimental to the human body, mind, emotions, or soul or that causes blockages and/or interference with the communication between my Being, my higher aspects, and other physical and non-physical energies, dimensions, and realities.

1.11 I DO NOT CONSENT to the Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Soul Energy for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning. This buying, selling, and owning, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL

1.12 NO TREATY made with any human being, or group of humans living on the EARTH, (or non-humans from off the Earth), IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, and soul in a measurably negative and dark way.


2.1 I ask Mother Earth for her assistance in my healing and transmutation of any prior agreements referred to under Art. 1.3 and all of the energies associated with them.

2.2 I now heal, transmute, and integrate all thought forms, entities, or adverse energies that were associated with previous agreements. My physical body is now cleared of any adverse thought forms and energies that I created knowingly or unknowingly, causing self-sabotage and harmful emotions. I am a healed Whole Being operating as a Sovereign force, and I am here to change this world.

2.3 I choose to heal all fear, trauma, and limitation standing in the way of my fulfilling my highest potential and purpose in this lifetime. I ask that my higher self assist me in healing, transmuting, and transcending all fear, limitation, separation, and amnesia preventing me from embodying my full, integrated sacred feminine and sacred masculine love, wisdom, and power.

2.4 I ask that my higher self direct my healing so that I embody and offer the optimal vibration in all circumstances; that I manifest optimal health and wholeness in and throughout all of my bodies; that I fluidly evolve according to my path and purpose; that I awaken to and regain all the memories and gifts held in my causal body; that I function with energy, clarity, balance, effectiveness, and efficiency in the changing energetics of Earth; that I integrate the healing, its lessons, and its energy in the most beneficial way possible; and that all this unfolds at the most conducive yet expeditious pace possible.

2.5 I intend that in healing myself in this now moment, I heal other aspects of myself across time and space, as well as splintered aspects of consciousness trapped in time, who will attain the freedom to return to where they belong, to heal, and to contribute to the unity we seek in order to take our next evolutionary steps.

2.6 I offer healing, compassion, and forgiveness wherever it is needed or wanted, to free all aspects of consciousness, including my own, allowing all to return to natural order in wholeness and unity.

2.7 I will no longer carry energies that are not in resonance with my highest vibrational state. No longer will I carry any hitchhikers under any agreements that were made under false intentions or memory wiping.


3.1 In making this declaration, I acknowledge and accept full responsibility for my Being, my thoughts, and my actions.

3.2 I continue to fervently request overt guidance and assistance from my higher self and other beings of love and light who wish to help humanity evolve. If I am unable or unwilling to hear and enact the guidance of my higher self, I request that the guidance continue to be given in various ways such that I can understand and act on it.

3.3 I ask my guides to continue illuminating my highest path and to acquaint me with the tools necessary to do my job on this planet. I ask that you continue to bring people into my life who can assist me in helping humanity.

3.4 In full Sovereignty, I also request and accept additional energetic assistance of my guides, the elemental and cosmic realms, interstellar beings of love and light, and any other light sources, provided that such assistance is in my highest good, the highest good of Earth, and in accordance with my purpose, goals, and intentions for this lifetime.

3.5 I RESERVE the right to amend this Declaration at ANY TIME if it is found that something written here is either lacking in clarity, or has been mis-stated, and needs to be corrected OR deleted.


This declaration carries the energy signature of my Being as my binding stamp.

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