Today at sunset we once again enter Moving Earth Energy. This is a period of extremes- highs and lows, according to whether we react or respond to quickly changing circumstances– a restless period full of movement in all directions! Several days into this energetic Moving period, on 5 Feeling (February 1) , the Chinese New Year begins in the Year of the Tiger. The Year of the Tiger is known to create about BIG CHANGES. We have to be conscious and aware, using our responsibility as co-creators to assure that whatever changes occur are constructive and of higher frequency. The Year of the Tiger showers us with ambition to make that happen!
We are still experiencing Mercury in Retrograde, challenging us to communicate clearly and respond positively in every situation. But that will change on February 4th. In alignment with this period of Pleiadian-Earth Energy of Moving Energy (lows and highs and sudden movement), according to Western astrology, all planets will be in forward motion between February 3 – 26th. On February 4th specifically, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun are all in positive relationship, bringing us the confidence to do whatever is required.
The Maya considered Moving Energy to be a primal force in the universe. In keeping with the idea of BIG CHANGES and quick movement, we may encounter little deaths and rebirths in Moving Energy, as we experience all the lows and highs that are present in this thirteen-day period. The best use of Moving Energy during Mercury Retrograde is to bring a new vision into things we have already begun, seeking clarity and communication. After Mercury Retrograde, be prepared to deal with whatever shows up in a new way.
With kindness, compassion, and love,
Note: I will be offering an in-depth workshop the weekend of March 25, 26, and 27th to guide you through understanding the deeper meanings of this system and how to apply it in your lives, your relationships, and in the lives of others. Choose to spend three magical 90-minute periods to change your lives! More to come about this!
You can also explore the Pleiadian-Earth Energy SystemTM more deeply in the book Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology and in the 2022 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar, which will be back in stock and available to order from Book Depository the first week of February!
For more information about your own energetic makeup and Venus influences, choose to order a personal Pleiadian-Earth Energy Evolutionary Astrological Chart.
Above photo by Nasa, shown on hersheysmill.org