Please Contact us for availability
BEFORE paying for a session or a chart.
We currently have a WAITING LIST.

Personal Sessions
with Laarkmaa
Personal Sessions are your opportunity to ask Laarkmaa questions and have a direct personal conversation. Laarkmaa provides their larger perspective on whatever is of interest to you on both personal and global levels.

Pleiadian Evolutionary Evaluation w/ Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa evaluates your evolutionary progress, looking particularly at these areas: Success on your growth and development path, Challenges you still need to overcome and what you can look forward to.
Click here for more information or to schedule.

Energy Chart
The Pleiadian-Earth Energy Chart describes the energies that you brought to Earth as your part of the whole picture of humanity. These are the energies that you specifically have agreed to work with in order to support Earth's Ascension process and to support your own growth and evolution.
Click here for more information or to schedule.

Pia's Intuitive Reading
Pia offers Intuitive Readings to explore and help resolve challenges or determine your next choices. Pia’s insights are often uncanny and always supportive of your development and growth.
Click here for more information or to schedule.

Pia and Cullen can bring Laarkmaa to your group through a Zoom meeting. If you would like to sponsor a Zoom event, please contact Pia and Cullen at
Click here for more information or to schedule.