These endorsements are from those people who have attended a live Laarkmaa presentation or participated in an international call.

"Eternally grateful to you two lovely humans on this beautiful planet. Mother Earth and all living creatures thank you deeply."
~Erika Mikaelsson, www.greatpeople.tv, Sweden
"I want to thank you both for all you do to enlighten the rest of us. You are so generous with your time and energy. You are both such beautiful beings in every sense of the word. I feel so privileged to know you."
~ Nicole Rupert, Oregon
"The many gifts that I have received from you, from Laarkmaa, and from the Divine Feminine have been life-changing for me. I feel as though I have found my true family and my purpose for being alive during this time on this planet."
~ Teresa Dopyera, Oregon
"Your work is very concise and to the point, making a potentially confusing time so much more understandable! I am grateful for the work that you do in partnership with Laarkmaa."
~ Cathy Hastings, Oregon
You two will inspire many people to look further in life, to connect with each other, and to honor the many beings and many mysteries in the universe."
~ Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph.D., California
"I want to encourage you to continue your work. It gives me a view of a different reality, comfort, and anticipation of incredible possibilities."
~ B. Williams, Oregon
"I want to thank both of you for being so loving and in service to the light. Your beloved presence and gift to earth is greatly appreciated by me and many others who are on the path of light."
~ Ryan Holub, California
"You have brought us something so valuable through your connection with our Pleiadian and Arcturian family. We thank you for your wonderful love and service."
~ Summer Thompson, Oregon.
"Thank you for this helpful information- I think of you and all of us and all of this with anticipation, excitement, and curiosity about every shimmering evolutionary moment. Hold on to your hats, or maybe even better, throw them into the air!"
~ Aletha Nowitzky, Oregon
"In gratitude to you both and your Pleiadian Family of Light and Love"
~ Ruthanne Holbert, Oregon
"Thank you for being emissaries of the light!"
~ Charlene Light, California
"You two will inspire many people to look further in life, to connect with each other, and to honor the many beings and many mysteries in the universe." "Thank you so much for sharing Laarkmaa and your personal Love with us here in Sweden!"
~ Petter, Sweden
"What loving beings!" ~ Ronald B. Minson, M.D., Colorado