These endorsements are from people who have had the privilege of working directly with Laarkmaa in personal sessions.

Personal synchronizations, individual opportunities to receive Laarkmaa's larger perspective on personal and global issues, will resume in the summer of 2014. The session is facilitated by Pia and Cullen via the telephone.
There may be a waiting list in order to accommodate all requests.
USA, Michigan:
I have never had a reading that has left me feeling so full of light and possibilities. The session with Laarkmaa, Pia, and Cullen has opened up a new understanding for me beyond what I got from their book, Conversations with Laarkmaa, as well as important personal information that is changing my life in a most positive manner! Thank you, Laarkmaa, and to Pia and Cullen for doing this work with them. ~ Lovingly, D.H. USA,
The value of my Personal Synchronization with Laarkmaa surpassed all of my expectations. I felt their immense love energy instantly, in fact; it literally lifted my mood as if by "magic". I have come to realize after the call that, to date, this was the best investment I have ever made; moreover, I plan to include such sessions to my budget. Personal spiritual maintenance is as important as physical check-ups; we should care for our spirits at least as often as we care for our bodies; truth is our bodies will be better for it. Thank you for the wonderful gift. With my deepest love and gratitude,
~ Gilka Calazans USA,
"I absolutely loved connecting to Laarkmaa on a one on one basis. It is very freeing because there is no judgement, ever, only unconditional love and really, really insightful information to spur you along on your spiritual path. Pia and Cullen are very sweet, and I am so glad I made that leap of faith with my personal call." ~ Scott USA,
USA, Minnesota:
"The opportunity to speak with Laarkmaa about your own path is something I couldn't pass up. In true Laarkmaa fashion, they gently guided me to the answers I was in search of. This isn't a traditional "psychic" reading or channeling where they feed you answers. Laarkmaa works with you to find the source of the issue and then assists in showing you their perspective."
~ Derek in Minneapolis USA,
USA, New Jersey:
"It was a great privilege to be able to synchronize with Laarkmaa. I was a bit nervous to begin with, but Laarkmaa quickly put me at ease. I was given valuable insight to the many questions that I was able to ask. I was especially impressed with the explanation of parallel lives that Laarkmaa gave in a clear and concise manner. Laarkmaa has helped me through a very traumatic part of my life. I am forever changed for the better because of Laarkmaa"
~ John USA
USA, Ohio:
"As I continue to raise my consciousness and cultivate loving myself unconditionally, I draw very high vibrational experiences to me. Experiencing a synchronization with Laarkmaa through Pia and Cullen was exactly that kind of experience! I experience wonderful, strong, loving energy and encouraging words which inspire me to stay true to my inner calling, supporting my personal commitment to stay on my path. ~ A.F.
USA, Oregon:
Having my synchronization with Laarkmaa was a profound experience. It helped to heal several long standing issues and to teach me who I really am and how to function in this existence. Lessons I already knew about but had not learned in such an experiential way. Now I can live that learning! My gratitude for the work that Cullen and Pia are doing and for the compassion that Laarkmaa is sending to us all. ~ A.L.
"I recommend that a personal meeting with Laarkmaa be put at the top of your priority list! I left the session amazed by the beautiful transformation and healing I experienced. I also gained a deeper understanding of myself and my life's direction. In listening to the recording I continue to make further progress in deepening my awareness of the healing power of love and joy. I thank you Pia and Cullen for your beautiful work and I thank Laarkmaa for their loving presence." ~ Ruthanne
My personal synchronization with Laarkmaa was insightful and helpful, as we cleared out some old beliefs and patterns that have kept me from experiencing the joy of living. Laarkmaa gave their wisdom and impressions through deep love. A long-term physical issue was resolved during the session and has not returned. My heart is full of love and gratitude to Laarkmaa.~ BW
"My personal session with Laarkmaa was amazing. They helped me remove some major blocks in my heart, showing me how to make better decisions about my relationship and my life. Things are moving at light speed now thanks to Laarkmaa's help!" ~ Lora H.
I so appreciated my time with Laarkmaa; it was invaluable to me. My personal synchronization gave me the assurance to know that I am on the right path and helped me to work on dissolving any blocks standing in my way. ~ Hali
"Experiencing a personal synchronization with Laarkmaa is remembering that part of you that knows, and always Knew, that which emanates from the deepest part of your Being, that part where separation is unknown and only wholeness exists. I experience and knew this in my heart and in my dreamtime, but having it mirrored so clearly helped me define very practical action steps to shift my life in earthly 3-D experience so that dream and day-to-day experience are more aligned." ~ Barakah
USA, Texas:
"Synchronizing with Laarkmaa was truly a life changing event for me, as I was able to be brought to a place of greater peace and harmony with myself and others. The encouragement I received in knowing I was on my path and doing my work was so helpful. The tools Laarkmaa shared with me to move forward on my journey will continue to assist me daily as I work with the Light and Love forever." ~ Debbie
USA, Utah:
Wisdom and insight that transcends our 3rd dimensional world. I am filled with gratitude for opportunity to participate in the Laarkmaa experience!
~ Brendan USA,
USA, Washington:
"Thank you so much for facilitating our Laarkmaa personal synchronization. As you probably could tell, it touched us in a profoundly deep way. We are just beginning the process of unfolding the meanings that it has for us. We are already feeling multi-levels of change resulting in us because of that meaningful and wonderful communication."
~ Stanley del Mundo & Resha in Seattle